Category Archives: Improvement

Why manufacturing process works for all types of business

“Those who know me; also know I am a “Lean” advocate and have been for a number of years. Why? - Because it works on so many levels whatever business you run”
Take the well-known manufacturing Kanban process for example. “KAN-BAN” meaning Kan - Visual and Ban - card
This is my ‘go to’ method; when reducing Turn-around Time (TAT) inventory and increasing process effectiveness (PE).

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How to ensure your business not only has a pulse, but is also set for longevity

How to ensure your business not only has a pulse, but is also set for longevity
Experience tells us time and time again to put these logical points at the top of your ‘needs list’. Don’t deviate as you will waste time, effort and allow your competition to dominate your space. We support our clients every step of the way through this process

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