Creating the right look and feel of your organisational structure

Everyone knows ‘people are your best asset’. But how do you get your people to feel they are valued

Whether you’re an established business who wants to be more efficient or a business ready for growth, creating your structure must suit your business needs and primarily maximise the existing skills.

Defining the business culture you want to create is a complex task but essential. It starts at ‘the top’ to define the business core values, something we work with our clients to help define. The uncertainty is around what the ‘culture’ represents.

When you reveal that the senior team do not share the same values as each other - you have to start there, as unless there is agreement it will not permeate through the business.

The first part of the process is to create a ‘management team’ made up of capable people within your organisation. It’s not about ‘importance’ but relevance. For example, you will have very capable people with very different skills - financial, creative, organisers, sellers etc. You’re putting people in the right places to do the right thing (Being effective). Once the structure and ‘job profiles’ (prior to the job description) are agreed in terms of the roles required to fulfil the business needs, people can be best matched to the delivery of that function to achieve your business goals.

Effectiveness v Efficiency

The chosen team have to be leaders first and technically able second.

Everyone is important in a team; to share the vision and deliver what the business needs in a structured and measured way. Therefore the structure needs to promote and further develop the business ‘culture’ via the people within the teams. Your people should feel valued and supported to achieve your vision

Initially, we work with our clients’ senior management team to help them to succeed in creating this process. There are several elements to consider to get started and it’s certainly true to say that ‘one size does not fit all’. Here are a few key questions to help start the process

Business Growth for Success
  • What kind of business culture do you envisage?
  • What is the current state of your business culture?
  • What changes are you prepared to make during the transitional state and level of investment you are willing to input to achieve the desired outcome?
  • What is your timeline to achieve your future state desired outcome?

As we have a ‘hands on’ approach, we’re often told how useful it is to receive an independent point of view of the current business before even beginning the process of change management. Talking to individuals to assess the current state helps us to quickly identify areas for development in line with the desired outcome. To us, it’s important to acknowledge that every business has unique needs. It’s not about adding cost, but maximising what is already there. Measure to Manage - Lead to succeed We tailor our proposals and input to suit the business we are dealing with, by taking what you have and giving you what you need. 

Here at u-look-i-c Ltd we help you to understand and demonstrate your benefits in relation to what your customer(s) need and value.

The results help us to identify and guide you through next steps. We are your professional partner to business growth.

Contact us for more information or to set up an initial conversation.

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